We are proud to announce that Cynopsis Solutions has been nominated as one of the finalists of the 2018 Global FinTech Awards.

The awards, organised by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and accountancy firm, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), recognise innovative solutions that have been implemented by FinTech companies, financial institutions and technology companies globally.
Over 200 submissions were evaluated based on impact, practicality, interoperability and uniqueness/creativity and Cynopsis Solutions was selected as one of 40 global finalists who come from as far a field as the United States, UK, Europe and from across Asia.
We will be showcasing our solution at the Singapore FinTech Festival, which will be held from 12th November to 14th November 2018. The competition will be judged by an international panel of judges, comprising of industry experts across multiple domains. The final FinTech Award winners will be announced at the event.
Commenting on the award nomination, Cynopsis Solutions’ CEO Chionh Chye Kit said: “Cynopsis Solutions is thrilled to be recognised among the leading international FinTech and RegTech firms, along with established financial institutions such as DBS Bank Singapore and Maybank. It’s a testimony to the emphasis we place on using innovative technology to help our clients in the financial and professional services sectors to address their 'Know-Your-Customer' requirements in a fast, secure and cost-effective way. Best wishes to all the other finalists too!”
Click here for more details and the full list of the FinTech Awards finalists: https://fintechfestival.sg/festival-line-up/fintech-awards/
About Cynopsis Solutions
Cynopsis Solutions Pte Ltd is a RegTech company founded in 2014 and based in Singapore. We focus on anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing softwares to automate the manual process and digitise the analogue records and documentation. Our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products are deployed in the cloud (Amazon Web Services) using industrial strength encryption, security technology and architecture design to ensure confidentiality and privacy of data stored. The unique proposition of combining our deep regulatory and Compliance expertise with smart use of functional technologies allows us to offer very cost effective anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing solutions to smaller and medium size financial institutions, professional services companies as well as FinTech start-ups.
Website: www.cynopsis.co
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cynopsiss
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